When you really want to buy something but short of funds, you try to look for quick, convenient and easy solution. Nowadays, securing a loan is new normal but you find loan procedure involves a lot of paperwork. Documentation always deters loan seekers in general and the rising generation in particular. However, you have experienced the conventional loan process to be time consuming till a couple of years ago but what if you get an instant solution to your financial needs these days?
In recent times, many fintech lenders entering the lending sector and made the loan process quick and convenient. Taking a loan has become very simple like buying any other product. Loan seekers "Apply For Loan" and find the digital lending extremely delightful. Let us look at loan taking process at ShubhBank step by step which you will find very simple.
- Step 1: Firstly, one must look at the eligibility criteria for loan application. You can apply for a loan if you are an Indian resident over 21 years of age and possibly earn a monthly income over Rs 25,000. If you fulfill the above mentioned criteria, you are eligible to secure a loan. Now, you will move to the actual process of application.
- Step 2: Next, you need to visit the website of ShubhBank and fill up the asked details in the online application form such as name, address, type of loan you want to avail, the purpose you want to fulfill with loan money, desired amount of the loan as well as your employer details.
- Step 3: It is the step where you would require piles of papers in a traditional loan processing but nothing like that with ShubhBank. You just need to upload the documents such as PAN card, Aadhar card, last three months salary slip, last six months bank statement etc.
- Step 4: Now our team will take over the further process. They will evaluate your application, check your credit score and verify your documents. If you fulfill all the loan parameters and have a good credit history, you have high chances of getting approved for loan. Once you are approved, you loan money is disbursed directly to your bank account.
- Step 5: Well, you will observe that there is no cumbersome paperwork as only basic documents are submitted when you "Apply For Loan Online". Within 2-3 business days of filing an online loan application, your funds are credited to your bank account.
To reiterate, you can find yourself that how simple it is to take a loan with less paperwork these days. Therefore, whenever need arises for some financial aid, just visit our website ShubhBank.com and we will be happy to help you with your needs. We are just few clicks away to find out an instant solution to your entire financial crunch. At the end, if you are in need of funds for any medical emergency, business needs, home construction and many more, just remember our loan solutions offered at ShubhBank at lowest possible interest rates.
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