Every business needs ample amount of funds for start-up expenditures or to pay the business extensions. Many companies take out business loan for a financial assistance. The business loans can be taken for variety of requirements such as starting up a new firm, business expansion and dealer financing etc. ShubhBank provide you the major benefits that does not require any collateral and in case of failure of repayment, the whole company will be liquidated in order to clear the business loan rather than putting up a sole burden on the business owner. The salient features of our loan schemes offered are collateral free loan, flexible repayment tenure, and great loan amount, attractive rate of interest, minimal paperwork and fast processing. If you need to apply for a business loan, then it is necessary to meet some eligibility requirements such as age of 21 to 60 years, be in business for at least 3 years, last 3 years of ITR statements etc. To secure a loan you have to submit the following documents: business proof, bank account statements, ID proofs, recent photographs, proof of ownership of possession etc.
The business loan like any other financial product analyses your credit worthiness by checking your repayment ability. For this, we generally look at your past history and your business records. We usually examine your financial background, credit history, liabilities and your business plan. A well planned business idea shows your dedication towards your business and how you are going to lead it. We also focus on small and medium business loan and capital loans as well as their expansion to less developed areas to promote the growth of such small businesses. There are handy checklist of things you must keep in mind before applying loan and "How To Get business Loan Approval From ShubhBank".
• You must have favorable credit score between 700 to 900 points.
• You should meet the eligibility criteria, business loan requirements and all the required documents in handy.
• You must have sufficient funds if lender needs you to put something in advance.
• You must have an inclusive data of the company’s financial situation and past performance along with cash flow statement.
• You must focus on the business ideas and its presentation if you are "Applying For a Business Loan".
So putting a step forward for your existing business is highly ambitious and for that you need a lot of skills and right thing to keep growing in this competitive world. Our business loan covers all kinds of business requirements be it day to day financing, daily operations or large scale manufacturing. With the right guidance from ShubhBank, you will be able to require the necessary funds for your business. Once your loan application is approved with required documents, its loan processing is followed by the disbursal. We are always there to support your business dreams come true by offering the wide variety of business loan schemes with the lowest possible rate of interest.
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