There may be times when your finances are strained and you need a little help to tide you over. Though borrowing from family and friends is a preferred option for many, if the amount you need is huge, it may not be a good idea to stress their finances as well. A better option would be to leverage an asset of your own- your house. You can use your house as collateral to take a loan from bank. We will help you to raise your funds for your business without reducing capital, sending your children abroad for higher studies or planning a marriage. We provide a loan to both salaried and self employed and amount of loan depends upon the market value of your property. Our disbursal is faster with simple paperwork and doorstep service with smart rates to meet your goals.
There may be times when your finances are strained and you need a little help to tide you over. Though borrowing from family and friends is a preferred option for many, if the amount you need is huge, it may not be a good idea to stress their finances as well. A better option would be to leverage an asset of your own- your house. You can use your house as collateral to take a loan from bank. We will help you to raise your funds for your business without reducing capital, sending your children abroad for higher studies or planning a marriage. We provide a loan to both salaried and self employed and amount of loan depends upon the market value of your property. Our disbursal is faster with simple paperwork and doorstep service with smart rates to meet your goals.
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