A debt trap is referred to a situation which is not a worth of its value and drains off all your money. It can also be termed on the basis of loans that have no real objective to avail for. Several times the loans you acquire have higher interest rates along with huge EMIs that lead you into debt trap. To illustrate, when you " Apply For Loan " for exotic trip, shopping, lavish party or purchasing expensive gadgets, sometimes these unnecessary needs may turn your loan into bad debt. It is not often that every loan turns into a debt because some loans are worth to opt but the loan products that cannot be justified in the terms of usage, interest rates and tenure are said to be bad loan. For illustration, a loan of 2 year tenure to purchase the latest smart phone can be a bad debt as that handset would become outdated within these 2 years of repayment period and it’s just wastage of money. An unsecured loan with high interest rate availed for a medical emergency is justified a...