A business loan is type of credit that can be availed by individuals for starting a venture or expanding their business or to handle any financial shortfall. Whenever you get a loan from lender, you have to pay it back in the form of equated monthly installments with agreed interest rate over fixed tenure. The amount for which you have to " Apply For Business Loan " will decide that how much you have to return at the end. The repayment depends upon number of factors that include tenure of loan, interest levied by lender, your cash flow and the amount you have borrowed. So, you are aware of the fact that once you borrowed the money you have to repay it in fixed time. Now, we will talk about some of the ways in which you can efficiently and quickly pay off your debt to save more of your hard-earned money. Partial payments: In case, you get additional funds from anywhere, you can use that excess money to pay off your loan sooner rather than just making a monthly installm...