In recent times, there are number of popular and convenient loan schemes in the market. These financial tools offer greater flexibility to the customers which make it an easy to go funding option for population of India. Being categorized in secured and unsecured form of credit solutions , therefore lender requires to meet some basic eligibility criteria and agree on terms and conditions related to loan application. However, in some situations when you " Apply For Loan " there might be some hidden charges involved that can turn into debt burden over a period. In this article, we will talk about several forms of hidden charges on loans and some remedies to avoid these charges on unsecured form of loan which are free of collateral and at higher risk to default by the borrower. Let’s, find some top of them: Penalty for late repayment: As the name indicates a late repayment penalty is levied on borrower by the lender when he/she doesn’t pay their monthly installment on tim...