Every lender and credit card provider reports your repayment details to the CIBIL. Basically, they update your credit profile on monthly basis or every three months in a year. The bureau tabulates this information in your credit report and formulates a credit score after every three months. The scoring process is totally transparent and in many cases your credit report may have some errors which may result in low credit score and impact your chances of borrowing. These mistakes may occur in your credit profile due to many reasons such as misprint, incorrect information provided by the lender to credit bureau, fake entries or errors pertaining to your KYC details. Before you " Apply For Loan " it is good to rectify those mistakes so it is necessary to know the whole process behind a credit report correction. To do so, let’s have a look on these steps: Retrieve the credit report: Prior to rectify your mistakes in CIBIL report, you have to check the real issue at its root. Sta...