It might be a daunting task for so many people to save money. Some of don’t realize how all the money gets spent whereas some of them fail to save how much they had thought to. Therefore, it is a topic of serious concern and we at ShubhBank come up with some decisions which can help you save some money. We have listed some smart decisions that will help you to save enough and spend your money diligently. Use credit card statements: Your debit card and credit card statements give you the fair idea of all your purchases and expenses. With the help of these statements, you can track all your unnecessary transaction that could have been save you an ample amount of money as well as helps you to maintain your credit score which will further help you to secure a loan in future.. It will help you plan your expenditure well in a long run. Auto payments: When it comes to be disciplined in financial matters, many of us would fail the financial test at least once. When it comes to paying a utili...