Nowadays, borrowing has become an inseparable part of every individual’s life. Sometimes it’s very common when your life milestones are apart because of insufficient funds. Whenever you decide to take a crucial step in your life, funds become the most important requirement of the time. Most of the time, we fall in shortage of cash and to overcome the crisis, we need to borrow. A debt in life has become the new normal for today’s generation. There are number of ways to borrow funds during needs. Among all the sources present in market for borrowing " Loan against Property " is one of the best options as it has much lower interest rate than that of other unsecured loans. To avail this loan, ensure you have a legal property registered in your name but that’s not only the criteria as there are some other eligibility criteria which need to be fulfilled. Here, we will learn about some measures which may affect your eligibility. CIBIL Score: The credit score is the key factor to e...