Nowadays loans are one of the important financial tools of which more than half of the population depends. They are used to fulfill any kind of financial requirement such to avail some luxuries, to purchase an updated gadget or to finance the most awaited vacations. The easy availability and attractive features of loan attract most of the audiences and they often take it as per their requirements. Generally, the borrowers don’t realize the intense issue behind delaying the repayments and unaware of getting further into this snare. Therefore, to be monetarily fit one ought to know about few indications that you are falling into debt trap. Factors which indicate that you are getting into Debt Trap Taking a loan for regular expenses: Few people secure loans when they are short of cash and start using credit cards and sometimes opt for a personal loan to fulfill their needs. This way of borrowing can help you at a point but paying the interest for long term will become tough and you need ...