Paying monthly installments on time for your loans boosts your creditworthiness and minimizes the chances of default. Any default can charge you penalties from the lenders, and affects your credit score adversely. The maximum repayment tenure offered by the lenders regarding home loan is usually 30 years. One may also get flexibility in terms of selecting the tenure as per his/her convenience. A Home Loan EMI consists of two components, principal and interest. The interest component is higher in the starting phase but towards the latter half tenure period, the principal component is higher than the interest component. This means higher will be your EMI; lower will be your interest rate. So that was all about paying EMIs, but are you aware of the few benefits of repaying higher home loan EMI. 1. Saving on the Interest Component Savings on interest component is one of the major benefits of paying higher installments towards your " Home Loan " . This monthly amount has a ...