A car loan also called as automobile loan is a capital or money borrows by the consumer in order to purchase an automobile from the money lending companies or banks. Car is now becoming daily necessity for an individual and to have that a large amount required in one shot and that much amount not everyone have on a same time so to get car loan is a best option to meet your desire. The party that lends the money to help you to buy a car called as lender and other party who is borrowing that money is called borrower. When the borrower taking out a loan from the lender, borrower agrees to pay back the full loan amount along with interest in specific time by making payment monthly also known as EMI. To get car loan you must have to follow some procedures and meet the requirements to get the loan and by fulfilling the requirements you can easily get the best car loan by comparing Terms and Conditions and also the rate of interest of different lenders. Let’s discuss each and every re...