The use of " Credit Cards " is very similar to having romantic relationships. If you know how to handle it, you will be happy. If not, you are screwed. How? Read on. With the rise of plastic money and the non satiation with consumerism, CC have become one of the indispensable tools that the youths are using these days. Strictly speaking, it is a loan that you can have without any collateral and if used wisely, without having to pay a single rupee in the interests. The idea behind CC is very simple. Your bank gives a card which is nothing but a way to access a pre defined amount every cycle. You can use the card for making any kind of payment: be it purchases on web sites or dining in a restaurant. It helps you buy things even when you do not have money to spend. It is like having a loan for very short period, called the CC cycle without having to pay any interest. If you are able to pay the amount due on it wit...